
Showing posts from May, 2020

I've Written A Teen Romance!

I don't know what has gotten into me but I'm back at writing in wattpad! Right. Maybe it was because I was just bored at being stuck at home and I have nothing else to do. Or maybe... it's my inner desire to crush those cheesy novels I keep on seeing on wattpad and I wanted them to show how teen romance should be done. Ha! Martyrs of the Modern Era is not a new novel of mine. It's just a revised edition of the novel I've written back in college, with a cringey title "Operation: SELOS". I decided to change the title because...why not? But it wasn't only the title that I revised. I mean, the whole crappy story. Before, the story centers on the  fake dating between the two main characters, Jo and Rhian. But since I was so ignorant that this trope has been used a gazillion times, even popularized by that movie To All The Boys I've Loved Before, I finally decided to toss it out and focus on its other themes: which is martyrdom. Almost ever